Kickstart your idea to GROW

Do you want to dive into the startups scene?

Do you want to build your first prototype?

Learn in 1.5 days the basics of entrepreneurship interactively to kickstart your idea!

Booked out!

When? 28. – 29.11.2020 or 1. – 2.12.2020
Where? Online
Limited seats! First come first serve

The Goal

“Know the tools for a successful start”

Divided into several sessions, we provide you with the necessary basics and the tools to work out an idea.

After each input session, you will have the opportunity to apply your newly acquired knowledge to your own project. The focus here is not on delivering the perfect result, but on applying and testing the knowledge from the input session. The aim is to give an overview so that you as a participant “know what to google” later on when you go on with your own project.




1. Introduction

We start with a general introduction. Why are there frameworks for founders? Which ones are there? What are the basic principles? Together we will discover the accumulated experience of the last decades.


2. Early Validation

The first – or better all – solution ideas should now be validated at an early stage. This means getting initial feedback from the target group in order to sort out possible bad approaches early on.

3. Prototyping

Now it’s time for the cool things! You build the first prototype in a team to test the core hypothesis. According to the principle “Done is better then perfect” the core of the idea is born. Here, the first rough contact with reality takes place. Valuable feedback is the result.


4. Presentation

Finally, all teams present their results. Because the (founder) life is selling: To customers, to investors to potential employees.  So this can never be practised enough. In the end, you go home with many new tools and ideas to work later on

Time & Place

Due to new corona restrictions, this workshop will take place as a online event. We’ll present input content via Zoom / Videos. After these short sessions,  the teams are going to work on the introduced challenges to apply the new knowledge. Finally, the participants present their results online to the other teams to give each other feedback and learn even more.

The last session on the first workshop day will end approx. at 6pm.

Two separate workshops will take place. You choose one. The content will be the same due to the limited number of participating teams.

Start: Sat 28.11.2020 9:00 am
End: Sun 29.11.2020 12:00 noon
Place: Online 

Start: Tue 1.12.2020 9:00 am
End: Wed 2.12.2020 12:00 noon
Place: Online 

Our Approach

Success comes from doing

Especially the learning success can be increased by application. This is why the Academy is offered challenge-based. For each phase of the project there will be input and appropriate tasks.

Snippet Learning

Learning in small bites what you need and can apply.
We will offer different methods for each phase from which you can choose.

This workshop is exclusive for GROW participants