Learn to found a Start-Up

At the PG Academy you will learn the basics for your future start-up in one weekend. 

When? From 09.12. to 11.12.
Where? Launchpad
Limited seats!

The Goal

“Know the tools for a successful launch of your future start-up.”

The PG Academy is not about bringing the next Unicorn to the market, but about learning a practical toolkit for your own start-up.

Divided into several lectures, we teach you the necessary basics and tools to work out an idea. After each lecture, you will have the opportunity to apply your newly acquired knowledge to your own small project. The focus here is not on delivering the perfect project, but on applying and trying out the knowledge from the lectures. The aim is to give an overview so that you as a participant “know what to Google” when you launch your own start-up later on. 

The best part: You merely need to be interested. You do not need to have your own project already.




We start with a general introduction. Why are there frameworks for founding? Which ones are there? What are the basic principles? We discover together the accumulated experience of the last decades.



Without a market, there are no customers. That’s why the first part will be about exploring the target group. Here we will find problems that the target group has. At the end of the module you will know your customer and their problems.


Now it is time to develop solutions. Creativity, broad experience but also sector knowledge are helpful for this. However, creativity can also be promoted systematically. From the many ideas, a first approach is picked out at the end.


Early Validation

The first – or rather generally all – solution ideas should now be validated at an early stage. This means getting initial feedback from the target group in order to weed out possible bad approaches at an early stage.


Now it’s time to get down to business! You build the first prototype in a team to test the core hypothesis. According to the principle “Done is better then perfect”, the core of the idea sees the light of day. This is the first rough contact with reality. Valuable feedback is the result.



Finally, all teams present their results. After all, life (as a founder) means selling. To customers, to investors, to potential employees.  So this can never be practiced enough. In the end, you go home with many new tools and may even have found your future dream team.


Time & Place

Start: to be announced
Place: PionierGarage Launchpad



Success comes from action

In particular, learning success can be increased through application. 

That is why the Academy is offered in a challenge-based format. For each phase of the project – Emphasise, Ideate, Early Validation and Prototype – there will be feedback and corresponding tasks.

Snippet Learning

Learn in small bites what you need and can apply at the moment.
We will offer different methods to choose from for each phase.

Items on the agenda


17.30:  Introduction & Getting to know each other

18:00:  Empathize: Get to know your target group

20:00:  Joint dinner

20.30:  Voluntary exchange of participants e.g. in the Schlossgarten



9.00:  Ideation: Find solutions to your problems

11.30:  Value Proposition: Why my idea is worth investing in

13.00:  Launch break

14.00:  Early Validation: Is there a market for my solution?

16.30:  Prototyping: How do clients use my product?

19.00:  Individual supper



10:00:  Pitch: How do I present my product?

12.30:   Wrap-up & Question

13.00:   End of the workshop

*Breaks in between are also planned for. 😉